Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Course Introduction - A Message from Dr. Moore
    • Some questions before we begin...
    • Course description and outline
    • Course time requirements
    • Required readings and resource review
    • Handouts for course
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    Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Neurologic Assessment and Treatment

    • Lesson Introduction - A Message from the Instructor
    • Topic 1. ICF Framework
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 1.1
    • Topic 2. Measurement Terminology
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 1.2
    • Topic 3. Dosing Physical Therapy Interventions
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 1.3
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    Chapter 2. Selection of Measures for Practice

    • Topic 1. Lesson Overview from the Instructor
    • Topic 2. Measurement Selection
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.2
    • Topic 3. Reliability – Part 1
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.3
    • Topic 4. Reliability – Part 2
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.4
    • Topic 5. SEM, MDC, MCID
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.5
    • Topic 6. Validity Part 1
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.6
    • Topic 7. Validity Part 2 - Predictive Validity
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.7
    • Topic 8. Validity Part 3 - Likelihood Ratios and ROC Curves
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.8
    • Topic 9. Floor and ceiling effects
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 2.9
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    Chapter 3. Use of Measures in Practice

    • Lesson Introduction - A Message from Your Instructor
    • Topic 1. Use of Measurement Results to Guide Decision-Making – Case Intro
    • Topic 2. Use of Measurement Results to Guide Decision-making - SEM
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 3.2
    • Topic 3. Use of Measurement Results to Guide Decision-making - MDC, MCID
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 3.3
    • Topic 4. Use of Measurement Results to Guide Decision-Making - Prediction
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 3.4
    • Topic 5. Use of SEM, MDC, and MCID during Critical Appraisal
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 3.5
    • Topic 6. Myths and Barriers
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 3.6
    • Measurement flashcards
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    Chapter 4. Knowledge Checks for Required Readings

    • Moore, 2018 - Core Set Outcome Measure CPG
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 4.1
    • Potter, 2011 - OM in PT: part 1
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 4.2
    • Sullivan, 2011 - OM in PT: part 2
    • Knowledge Checks Lesson 4.3
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    Chapter 5. Advanced Psychometric Techniques (Bonus Material)

    • Lesson Intro. A Message from Your Instructor
    • Topic 1. Item Response Theory, Part 1
    • Topic 2. Item Response Theory, Part 2
    • Topic 3. Item Response Theory Part 3
    • Topic 4. Item Response Theory Part 4
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    Reference List

    • Reference List